Thursday, November 4, 2010

Goodbye Sickness!! And stay out!

So this week has been C.R.A.Z.Y! It all started when my sweet, energetic, little toddler woke up from her nap sick on Halloween, she then passed it on to Paul and I.
Monday, we decided for Haddie's sake we should stay in and keep they day low-key since haddie was sick the day before. We layed around the house watching movies most the day after cleaning the living room and kitchen. I then decided to make a quick Walmart run, because I can't just lay around the house all day or I go crazy and need to get out and about. In going to walmart I decided to pick up some more Clorox wips, knowing we were almost out (and I use those for most Everything), as well as some Lysol spray. As I was checking out at walmart I all of a sudden I started feeling nauseous. "Oh dear," I thought, " I sure hope I am not getting what haddie had!" I got home to Paul having cooked dinner, but Oh, it did NOT sound good.
I took it easy and went to bed early. Paul decided he would stay in the living room for the night so that he wouldn't get sick too.
Well, at around 9:30 it all began. YUCK! It lasted until around 4:30-5:00 that morning. What a miserable night! I couldn't even sleep I felt so bad. "Poor Haddie," I thought, "she just got over this!" Feeling a little better I finally fell asleep, but only to be awoken by a fussy baby. Paul had said he was going to take care of Eden and Haddie if they woke up in the night. But just then I heard Paul run to the bathroom. "OH no, Paul caught it too!"
The joys of motherhood and the sacrifices we make. Paul is sick and at the worse part, I am going to have to scoop myself out of bed and take care of our darling children.
Luckly, Eden fell back to sleep until 8, at that time both my sweet little girls where up and ready to go.
It was the longest day EVER! Haddie had like 5 poopies that stank sooo bad. Eden joined the band wagon with 3 poopies, but one toped them all. Somehow, her diaper was only half way covering her tiny rear end and she pooed ALL OVER ME! This was all while I was feeding her, so I forgot to burp her, causing her to soon later spit up all down her outfit. After washing all the sheets and Lysoling or Cloroxing everything, and sometimes even both, Paul and I went to bed feeling much better and glad this was behind us.
However, Wednesday morning Haddie started crying, I went in to find that Haddie had thrown up AGAIN.
Luckily It was just that once. You could tell she felt miserable the whole day. All she did was lay on her daddy because he too didn't feel good, and they watched Nemo together (her new favorite movie). But another day has come and the windows are open and the fresh air was let in! We all feel better again. Goodbye sickness! Please don't come again, and stay out!
The one thing I am very thankful for in all this is that Eden never caught the bug, and I pray she wont for a LOOOOONG time!

Monday, November 1, 2010


I was really looking forward to taking Haddie Trick-or-treating. She was to be the cutest Cookie Monster in Colorado. However things went a little differently then I expected them to go.
Everything was going great. We went to church and then went to eat at a friends with their family. Haddie had a blast playing with her friend Eli. When then brought the girls home to take a nap so they could be ready to go trick-or-treat once they awoke. We had plans to take the girls to a friends to show them off all dress up, then we where going to trick-or-treat with one of Haddie's friends Isaiah. BUT Haddie awoke early from her nap,
Paul went in to find that she had been sick. Paul got her up and she got sick again. YUCK!
Into the bath tube to she went. But I was persistent, we were going to go out for Halloween. I had been looking forward to this for weeks now. Babies get sick all the time, but then are just fine afterwards. This will pass and we will have fun tonight. NOPE, to my dismay, she ended up getting sick every 20 min. After watching "How to train a dragon" and having to pause every 20 min for my little one to be sick. I knew there would be no Halloween at this house tonight.
Oh well, I thought, we can just hand out the awesome full size candy bars we got for the trick-or-treaters that would stop by our house. Again, I was disappointed. We had only 4 trick-or-treaters!! now we are stuck with 26 FULL SIZE candy bars!
Even though we didn't get to dress up the girls last night. I dressed them up today to take pictures. We also pretended she went Trick-or-treating just for picture sake.
The Good news is that at about 8:30 last night my bouncy, talkative little girl was just about back to her normal self after being a little lethargic snuggle bug for several hours. So we fed her a few crackers, gave her some pedialight and kept her up a little longer, before sending her to bed. We awoke this morning a little more chipper then last night and with no accidents!!