Wow, it has been a very long time since I have posted on here. A lot has happened in these few months. As you know from my last post Paul had lost his job in Canon City. We moved in with his parents awaiting our next adventure. We had an understanding that it could be a while before Paul would get a job back in the ministry so we were ready to get any job first available to us. Paul began putting his resume out there, really everywhere, but in Ministry. Paul wanted to take the month of July to pray about the situation and for healing. We were really hurt so we were not sure if we wanted to get right back into ministry. I even think I thought deep down inside, that no one would want us because we had been fired. But God had other planes.
One night Paul was talking to God about the situation. He was talking to God about the hurt and how maybe he doesn’t want to be in the ministry for a while. He asked God to be clear as to what he should do. He decided to put this out there; he wouldn’t look for a job in the ministry for the whole month of July, and if You (GOD) want me to be in ministry You’ll have to put it in my lap.
Paul continued his job search, when he landed on a job with selling insurance through Affleck. Paul was really enjoying the training and was dreaming up how fun it would be to work for them. He told me he thinks that he wants to pursue this for a while and take a rest from ministry. Hesitant, but I agreed knowing his hurt. He was in full fledge mode to learn and do well at this job.
That week he got an e-mail from a mentor and professor from College who knew about the situation. He mentioned this job that was available in a small town in Kansas, they were looking for a youth minister and gave us the contact info. I was not really interested finding out that it was 8 hours from Muskogee, but something within me made me think of it often and I asked Paul what he thought.
That is when he told me his agreement he had made with God. I asked him if he thought this was God putting it in his lap, Paul didn’t think so, just a kind e-mail from someone who cares and is trying to be helpful.
However, the next day he got another e-mail, this from the minister of that church asking for Paul’s resume. After talking it over he decided that he felt like this was God putting it in his lap. So he sent his resume. But still seemed resistant.
In the mean time Paul received yet, another e-mail from his professor of another job. But Paul was unsure of the location and didn’t pursue it.
I began praying for Paul because I could see the resistance he had in his heart towards being in the ministry again. He was very involved and excited about this job with Affleck, and it concerned me.
I want to be clear Paul was Genuinely excited about this job selling insurance. He was studying hard in training and getting ready to take the test that would license him to sell insurance. He was very dedicated and talked about it ALL the time.
I talked with Paul about his resistance toward getting into ministry and that he should pray about it. That he did. That night he talked to God about his excitement and dreams he had in selling insurance. How we would live in Muskogee and he would sell insurance so well that we would get out of debt and also get to live close to family. It could be dream come true. However, if this was not God’s plane for his life that he would have to change his heart and passion with this dream he has.
Low and behold God did just that. While at class Paul was listening and taking notes like a star pupil, when God directed his imagination back to youth ministry and Paul began daydreaming about what he would like to do and how he’d like to try some new things. Before he knew it he was far behind in class. Paul simply said, “Okay, God I get it.” He finished that day well, but was excited to get back to tell me what happened and of his renewed excitement for youth ministry.
The church in Kansas got back with us saying that they talked with all his references and would like for us to Skype with them. Still not really excited about the possibility of going so far, but having a deep feeling that this is the direction we should peruse, we accepted the offer.
During the Skype meeting Paul and I were very honest not wanting them to get any of the wrong impressions. After the meeting we were still confused as to what we should do, but were delighted by the feeling that they let off. We began praying very hard for Gods direction.
Not long after the Skype meeting they asked us to come out to Norton to take a look. Nervous and unsure, we decided to go. We both had a deep feeling that we were to continue to pursue this for whatever reason.
While we were there in for some reason I was the one who was resistant. Paul, one the other hand was excited and encouraged. Which was so good to see after seeing the hurt and pain he had just gone though and knowing the resistance/fear he had with going back into the ministry. However, No matter how much I felt like I didn’t want to be in Norton all those feelings would leave when I would get with the People. Such genuine, loving people, not sure what it was but I loved the people. But then I would get a lone and would get the feeling of dread.
It is a small town, with NO Wal-Mart. The closest Wal-Mart is an hour away in a whole other state! It was also 8 hours from home. I wanted to be closer and in a bigger town then 3,500! Paul suggested I talk to God about it, so I did. I told him how resistant I am to this. I told him how I wanted to be closer to home and how I want the comforts of home and of a bigger town. I told him how I don’t think I could do well, I would be lonely and alone. So if you want us to move, you are going to have to change my heart! That was Saturday.
Sunday came and we were meeting everyone, and in my heart I was thinking what kind, sweet people, but we will not be moving here. Then that night we went to youth Group, I don’t know when and how it happened but after that night I left Telling Paul, “Okay, I am excited. I think we should come here!”
Again, I don’t know how or when in the night it happened, but my heart changed. Although I was still not excited about moving 8 hours away from family and friends, nor was I excited to not have a Wal-Mart with in 60 miles of me. I knew this was where God wanted us to be.
On Monday before we started making our way back to Muskogee, we stopped by the church to see the minister. There he told us what we would expect in the next few weeks. They had been interviewing another person for the job and they would let us know if they still plan on bringing him out too, or if they would just offer us the job. We would know in a few days what they planned to do.
I was not worried, not one bit. I was sort of hopping that they would bring out the other guy, this way we would know without a doubt that if they still chose us. If they went with the other guy, no big deal, Paul still could pursue Affleck.
Two days later we got a call saying that they decided not to bring the other candidate out and that if we would like the job it was ours. We told them that we wanted a week to pray about it and we would get back to them.
Within that week we received yet another e-mail from a minster who had heard of Paul and would like for him to send his resume. Paul and I prayed over it and felt that we shouldn’t. We believe it was God reminding us that as long as we trust and follow him, he will still use us. Also, that He wants us even though Grandview didn’t.
After a week of praying and talking to those we trust, we nervously accepted the position.
Wow, is all I have to say. God is so very amazing and so very good. I am completely humbled by his goodness and provision. We were so hurt and scared by what happened at the end of June. But now we are comforted by the fact that we still matter and that God still has plans for us. That he worked so hard for us to get us a job in ministry. It is so amazing to me that God, the all powerful, creator has a plan and a purpose for me and my family, that he would take the time to move mountains or my and Paul’s heart to get us in a spot where he wants us.
We sent our application in the middle of July accepted the position in the middle of August. We lived with Paul’s parents for only 2 ½ months, when we thought there would be no way we could move out before 6 months at least. God blew me away! I believe through this, it was God saying to us that as long as we trust and follow Him, He will still use us. Also, that He wants us even though Grandview didn’t.