Saturday, August 21, 2010

struggling through it

This last week has been a hard one with Eden.
She had been doing really great with her schedule, which makes her a happy baby. I was really thrilled that she sleeps 7-10 hours at night, and takes at least a hour and half nap after an hour awake time 5 times a day. She likes her sleep and is a happy girl when mommy keeps her home and on her schedule. Which is a great change from a few weeks prior when she fussed a lot!
However, this week came a new challenge with Eden. I noticed a drop in my milk supply and Eden did too. She started to fuss each time I tried to feed her. One day she completely refused to nurse. Which really stressed me out and made me really upset. Every time it came time to feed I would take her to nurse and she would start SCREAMING and refused to nurse. I called the Lactation consultant, who didn't call back at all that day. So I did what I knew to do and gave her some stored milk or formula. Which I hated to do.
I was very stressed, which from what I hear doesn't help your milk supply.
That night I got on the internet and did A LOT of research. In my research I found that Fenugreek can increase you milk. So the next day I went and bought some. I also started pumping at least 5 min after each time I'd nurse or 15-20 min if Eden refused to nurse.
She did a lot better the next day, and only refused one side. But my milk supply was still low, when I'd pump I would not get anymore milk.
Finally 2 days later the Lactation consultant finally called me back (after I called her each day and twice that day). She suggested to do what I'd been doing and to take even more Fenugreek. That if I didn't smell like maple syrup I wasn't taking enough.
So currently, 5 days later I am now taking 4 capsulas of fenugreek 3 times daily (asking paul if I smell like maple syrup), drinking 4 cups of Mother's Milk tea (thanks to a great Friend, Carley) and pumping after each feeding. I have noticed an increase in my milk and Eden is back to being a happy girl, with few frustrating moments of persuading her to nurse.
This was a big scare for me because at 5 months of nursing Haddie I began to lose my milk and Haddie was off nursing by 5 1/2 months. Eden is only 2 1/2 months monday. I was afraid I'd have to stop and I wanted to nurse a lot longer then I could with Haddie.
Thankfully this is working, so far. I hope it continues to and gets back to normal.
My encouragement to nursing mothers who have struggled through it or may in the future. Keep trying, their are cheap and simple solutions to help you through it, try not to give up right away. But also remember that you are not a bad mom if you have to stop and give them formula. It is always better that they get fed, and most babies don't really care where it comes from.

Helpful hints I've learned to help with nursing
* Fenugreek (a seasoning used, such as in curry) - proven to help increase milk supply the best
* Milk Thistle (an herb of some sort) - also helps increase milk supply, but you have to continue to take it, and best to take with fenugreek or fennel.
* Mother's milk tea (infused with fenugreek, fennel, milk thistle, Red Raspberry leaf tea, and chamomile)
* fennel (another herb) - helps with milk letdown
* Red Raspberry leaf tea - helps with milk supply
* Pumping (a lot) - helps increase milk supply
* Lots of Water - keeps you hydrated
* Oatmeal
* Root beer (caffeine free)

Not really sure if Oatmeal or root beer work, but it's worth the try and they taste good. Also Root beer is a nice break from water and tea!

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