Was it not last week that she would sit in her swing not caring what was around her. Was it not yesterday that she would lay on her back hardly able to move. Boy, it sure seems so. She will be six months on Tuesday. The beginnings of my favorite stage has begun. She has become a very curious one in the resent days. Grabbing everything that is in her reach and tasting all that she can put in her mouth.
I love how she can recognize me and is allows willing to give me a smile. I am only slightly jealous that Haddie is the only one who has got Eden to laugh a real laugh. But I sure do love how much Eden watches Haddie with such adoring eyes. She is the tiniest thing weighing in at 13.5 lbs, but a cutie none the less.
Haddie is such a great big sis. Most of the time she ignores Eden, but all the other times she is very helpful and sweet. She asks me "where's baby" if she is not around. Comes and tells me baby is crying, and will say "hush eddee, it okay." Haddie gives her many kisses and hugs, which Eden adores. She also will try and give Eden her passy if it is around. Most recently I asked Haddie give a toy to Eden, She did and waited very patiently for Eden to grab it.
I am enjoying my sweet babies, but I am making sure not to blink for I will soon miss this time.
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