Friday, February 18, 2011

A renewed passion

Okay, so this has been a long time passion of mine that has resurfaced. God has been tweeking my heart a lot about this issue lately. So much so that it has kept me up most nights. I am still figuring out what can be done. That is other then prayer.
Well, I guess I shall tell you what I am talking about.
A few weeks ago, I was talking to a friend and she was telling me some things her boys are struggling with at High school. One of which is with girls. This struggle caught me by surprise. I am not sure if it is because I didn't want to think that it was this bad or because I really didn't know. I never went to public school so I couldn't tell you if they did this when I was in high school or not. If they did it at my school, I wasn't aware. I was very naive, or still am, so I could have been clueless. But anyway, this friend proceeded to tell me that her boys were getting texts from girls who wanted to do them favors... sexual favors. I was shocked beyond belief.
I listened as the others shared similar concerns about the girls at the high school, and I tired very hard to hide my surprised face (which is nearly impossible for me). One story was of a girl who asked if her boyfriend could stay the night, her mother said "yes" so she asked her boyfriend. Who asked his mom. Luckily this mother is a wonderful mother, who replied "Are you kidding me, of course you can not!" She then took that opportunity to talk to her son about respecting girls and choosing wisely who he dates.
I could not believe all these stories I was hearing. My heart was broken. I began to cry. These poor girls, do they not realize how precious they are. Have they never been taught to respect themselves and to not throw themselves at just anyone? Where are these girls mothers and fathers, why are they not protecting them?
Also, these poor boys. They have not a chance. Girls are throwing themselves at them, offering favors and more. What hormonal teenage boy could say no? not many.
This began to eat at me more and more. The protective mother in me came out and I began to respond with anger, which I know is not the right action, but it ate at me. I began to think of my poor girls and how I want to protect them. I began to think of my future son (that I hope to have). I prayed and prayed for these girls and that I could channel this passion into love and for God to teach me how to love these girls.
Just the other day I went to a park across the high school. It was such a pretty day, perfect for going to the park. This park has swings and lower toys perfect for Haddie to play on. No one was there, I thought this was a perfect day and weird no one took advantage of the day. There was the park manager, cleaning and attending. There was also a man sitting on a bench drinking a pop, but he was just sitting there, looking as if he was waiting for something. I kept my eye on him as my little girl played. right at 11:00, the park manager quickly through his stuff in the van and drove swiftly away.
"In a hurry to go to lunch." I thought.
The other man started walking toward the play area, my heart started pounding, but he walked past where haddie was playing, up to a table where a girl had arrived (obviously from the high school). He greeted her with a kiss and a inappropriate touch. shocked I turned and tried to ignore the on going inappropriate scene to the left of me. With in minutes the park was full of high schoolers out for lunch. We were surrounded, but this was not what made me the most uncomfortable. It was the language being said, the PDA that every couple began to do, and the smoking that too young of kids started. I was horrified, by all that was going on. They had no respect for me or my girls. They noticed me alright and even commented on my cute kids. One girl who was right behind me began telling her friends a story using such language, I blushed. I turned and politely asked her to not use such language. She did apologize, for that I was pleasantly surprised. I immediately got up and tried to convince haddie to get off the play set. While bribing Haddie, two girls and a boy passed me talking.
One of the girls saying, "What if my mom is home, what do I say to her about your boyfriend.? Do I tell her I am not sure if he's your boyfriend?"
Once I finally got home, I cried. Also, swore to myself that Haddie and Eden are never going to that school. I was also out raged that these kids were set free to do whatever they liked during lunch. Where is a supervisor. These kids left alone, not having been taught what is right, will obviously do what is wrong, or whatever feels good to them.
Frustrated, I called the school. This is what they told me: "We have open lunch, we can not do anything if they are off the school property. We do have a police officer who drives by the park periodically. I will let them know they were miss behaving."
My anger boiled. OPEN LUNCH! They are crazy! Obviously these kids are not responsible enough and should not have open lunch anymore. Also these kids are directly across the street from the HS. You could look out the windows of the HS and see all that was going on, yet NOTHING could be done.
I called my mom to vent my frustration. She calmed me down and reminded me to channel my passion back to love. Love... it is because of love that I am passionate about these kids. Love... yet for some reason it is easier to respond in anger then in Love. I do love these kids, this is why I wanted to be in youth ministry. It is because of the lack of true love that these kids do not know better.
I want something to be done. I want these girls to know that they are worth so much more then their bodies. I want them to know their value, so that they will not find their value in boys or sexual favors. I want them to know God, and his love for them. I want them to choose a life that is the best for them, one living in the presence of God. A life that gives them meaning, true pleasure, and worth. This is my renewed passion.

1 comment:

  1. Mallory,
    Thank you so much for sharing. I understand so well your heartache and frustration. Just today, I was discussing something similar with a friend of mine. But, I think the long and short of it is that these teenagers (along with all the rest of us) don't need more supervision, or better parents, or stronger role models. They need Jesus. And until they find him, they'll keep acting in ignorance. Like you said, they don't know better because they haven't known LOVE; the love that Jesus brings, the love that God says he IS...the love that you and I have known all our lives yet still can't find words to fully describe it. Thanks for sharing your passion, mine's been feeling worn out and I needed a reminder. :)
