Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas: without family, but with family.

This year was a very different Christmas for us. It was our first Christmas away from our family. First christmas in Colorado. I was hoping that by living in Colorado it would be a sure thing I would get a white Christmas.... but, nope, not this year. They say it is a 50/50 chance to get snow on Christmas and seeing that it has been a very dry winter for us it was no surprise to any one but me that there was no snow this year on Christmas.
Christmas Eve was wonderful and not so much out of my family tradition. We went to the Christmas eve Candle light service and then came home, read Haddie the christmas story (the real one), put the babies to bed, and then wrapped presents, stuffed stockings, and put the presents under the tree.
The rest of the night was not so fun for me, I awoke in the middle of the night sick and moved into the living room to finish the night in hopes not to wake Paul or get him sick too. Plane didn't work... he did't awake, but he did get sick.
Christmas Morning was fun in spite of Paul and I feeling sicky, but as a parent you have to push past the sickness most of the time.
Haddie was a pro at unwrapping gifts. Which made it so much fun. At her birthday, she would still needed help and then was too involved with the one gift, she didn't want to open any more. But not this time, she loved the unwrapping so much she cared less about the gift, that is unless it was one of her favorite characters, then it would distract her just enough to let Eden or one of us start opening our gifts. However, Haddie then would hear the sound of ripping paper and would jump in to help. She helped open almost all, that is all, but Paul's. He wouldn't let her help him.
Before we opened all the presents, we skyped Paul's mom and Dad so that they could see the girls open the gifts from them. Which is so neat. I love skype... it really can feel like they are right in our living room. They loved watching the girls and Haddie, as always, loved being the center of attention. (she is so my daughter)
We then skyped my parents and got to talk with them on Christmas.
After all the presents were out and wrapping paper was every where, as well as our stocking stuffers, we finally could relax in the mess and be sick... oh wait no, now we have two little girls fussing to eat and to open the boxes of toys (okay really only one little girl, Eden was content enough to go down for a nap).
We were suppose to go have lunch at a friends from church, but we were in NO mode to eat. So we called to postpone until dinner. Once it came time for dinner I was feeling better, but Paul was feeling worse. We would have called to cancel, but we had the ham, green bean casserole, and the deviled eggs. So we really had no choice. Paul was a trooper and did great, just didn't eat much. It was fun evening despite us not feeling well. It is always good to be with family, even if the family is not related through blood. Church family can be just as good. It is something I LOVE about the church. It makes me so thankful for our church here in Canon and very sad for those who are not apart of a church family. How do people who live away from family survive with out the support of a church family?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Don't blink or you'll miss it

Sitting on the couch reading Anne of Avonlea I lift my head to see my youngest sitting in her bombo reaching for a toy. She looks up curiously searching for a way to get to her toy that is fallen too far from her reaches. I laughed at her alertness. The look she gave brought me pure joy. My laugh continued as she searched around the room for what was making my sound. Finally her eyes found the object of her search. She looked at me with very courious eyes before a smile was spread wide across her face. No laugh come from that baby, only a big smile that took over her whole body causing her to fling back. This only made me laugh all the more.
Was it not last week that she would sit in her swing not caring what was around her. Was it not yesterday that she would lay on her back hardly able to move. Boy, it sure seems so. She will be six months on Tuesday. The beginnings of my favorite stage has begun. She has become a very curious one in the resent days. Grabbing everything that is in her reach and tasting all that she can put in her mouth.
I love how she can recognize me and is allows willing to give me a smile. I am only slightly jealous that Haddie is the only one who has got Eden to laugh a real laugh. But I sure do love how much Eden watches Haddie with such adoring eyes. She is the tiniest thing weighing in at 13.5 lbs, but a cutie none the less.
Haddie is such a great big sis. Most of the time she ignores Eden, but all the other times she is very helpful and sweet. She asks me "where's baby" if she is not around. Comes and tells me baby is crying, and will say "hush eddee, it okay." Haddie gives her many kisses and hugs, which Eden adores. She also will try and give Eden her passy if it is around. Most recently I asked Haddie give a toy to Eden, She did and waited very patiently for Eden to grab it.
I am enjoying my sweet babies, but I am making sure not to blink for I will soon miss this time.