Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hadassah is 18 mo and Eden is 3 Mo

I can't believe that Hadassah is a year and half. These 6 mo just flew by. I forget that it has been so long since her year birthday, I didn't even think she changed all that much until I looked a some pictures. Wow, she has changed. She is growing into such a beautiful little girl.She is now taking her naps in her big girl bed, and is doing so well. She may not sleep much during her naps but she stays in her bed (almost always). The last time I caught her with a toy in her bed (she had to get out of bed to get it), I walked in and she immediately held up the toy to
me and began to cry. She new she was in the wrong,
I think that is when it is the hardest to do correction. But I knew I must be consistent. I haven't caught her again. Tonight we will put her to bed for the night in her big girl bed. We transferred her last night after she fell asleep (suggested by a friend) But that didn't go over so well. She awoke frightened not realizing where she was. But we will try again tonight.
Haddie continues to talk soo well. Adding so many words to her vocabulary. Not sure when she added these, but some of the new words are "shoe", but she says it "eosh" I love it. She also says "I do," "Help," "yumm," and "here you go." Plus so many more. No matter if she can say the word or not, she still talks anyway, making up her own language.
Eden is Three months and has been more aware of her surroundings. We have got to know her even more this last month. We are starting to understand her quirky personality. She is most diffidently happy for an hour after her feeding, after that you better be home and put her in her bed, or be prepared to hold her because she will fuss. She doesn't like to eat when she is tired, so if you have been out and about she will not eat and will scream if she has not slept well. But as long as you let her sleep at least 30min-1 hr in her crib, she will be good and ready to eat, with a few fusses thrown in. She has become quit aware of her big sister and LOVES to watch her.
Haddie has been such a great big sister, she loves to put shoes on Eden and rock her when she is in her swing. She most recently loves to hold her little sister, and Eden enjoys it too.
Eden will coe when you sing to her and give you big smiles in the morning and after her last feeding. You can sometimes get a smile or two after her feedings during the day, but I can always count on my morning smile!
It is fun seeing how different my girls are. Giving us many chances to try new things as we learn to parent them.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

God's blessing he sent me at Walmart

Yesterday I went to Walmart for very great sales on their children summer wear. Most everything was $1, $2, and $3 dollars. So, I went to go and get items for next summer. Eden was sleeping in her car seat and Haddie was in the basket of the shopping cart. I went to quickly look at the picture frames, telling Haddie several times on the way to sit down in the cart. On my way Eden wakes up and starts crying, so I pick her up and was holding her when I turned my back to the cart to look at picture frames. I suddenly heard a scream followed by server crying. I quickly turned to see Haddie had fallen out of the cart. I swiftly place eden in the basket of the cart, which causes her to start screaming. I grab Haddie and hold her to console her. At the moment I had a screaming baby in the basket and a crying little girl in my arms. I put Haddie down for just a moment to move Eden from the basket to her carrier. This didn't help any of the situation. I am standing in the aisle at walmart at a lose of what to do, (all this happened under a minute) when a lady came over and said she saw what happened and asked if she could hold the baby while I console Haddie. "Yes, please, she likes to be high on the shoulder!" I was quick to reply. We stood in the aisle talking of how she has new twin grandbabies. They are 2 months old and she is missing them. They are far away in Illionios, so she can't just go for a quick visit. She helped me put Eden into her seat and I went to the cash register. Her name was Karen, and God's blessing he sent me to take care of me. Still holding Haddie, Eden starts crying again. Sure enough Karen was there and asked to hold Eden again and if she could help me to my car.
Thank you Lord for taking care of me and the girls at Walmart!
Haddie is fine with just a small goose egg on her head. Eden is also fine, this is a normal thing for her to cry when we are out. I usually have her in a snuggli, but for some reason I chose not to put her in it. Will Never do that again! Haddie will not get to be in the basket, she will now have to stay in the seat of the cart and Eden in the snuggli at my chest!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Haddie, my character

Haddie makes me laugh everyday. She is constantly doing funny little things. She is my smile maker. When I am having a frustrating day, I can always count on her to do something that will make me forget, for at least a moment or two, and make me laugh. Even when I may be frustrated with her, she can still get me to laugh, even though I may have to run to the other room first.
Here Haddie has stuck her leg in a cushioned stackable toy and walked around all morning with it around her ankle. She didn't take it off until her nap time. Once she was up, she went straight to it and put it back on. I think it was because I laughed at her. If I laugh she will do that same thing over and over again. What a character!
the above picture was from today, she was watching Backyardagins while I was doing laundry. She grabbed on of her outfits and I assume she was trying to put it on, but when I looked up this is all i saw. Her outfit on her head. I could hardly stop laughing to get the camera.
This above picture is from Monday. We had bought Eden a bumbo, but Haddie was sure we got it for her. She is again watching backyardagians and sipping milk threw a straw I got on Sunday. All day she wanted nothing else but to drink out of her new straw. She had to have 8 glass of either water or milk.
A few weeks ago she was trying to get into my old Barbie car (which my mom got for me for Christmas my 16th year. She was being funny, because I wanted a VW bug in red. Isn't she sweet). Haddie is now enjoying the car. However, she doesn't get the idea that SHE doesn't fit into it. She tries to get into the car, and each time gets so frusterated because she doesn't fit. We have tried to show her that small toys can go into the car, but no matter what she still wants to be the one inside, not the toy.
There is always something new each day that she does to make me smile. I am so thankful for this little character of mine.

Haddie watches Bobo, the bear, take a bath

One day, I go into Haddie's room to get her up from her nap. I go in to see her holding her diaper... and her bed was all wet, including her best bear friend, Bobo.
Her whole bed and bear needed a wash.
I put her items into the washer, when Paul heard her pointing and saying "Bobo, Bobo!" We go into the kitchen to find Haddie looking into the washer, she saw Bobo, spinning in the washing machine. So I had to grab the camera and get this on video. Hope you enjoy!