Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas: without family, but with family.

This year was a very different Christmas for us. It was our first Christmas away from our family. First christmas in Colorado. I was hoping that by living in Colorado it would be a sure thing I would get a white Christmas.... but, nope, not this year. They say it is a 50/50 chance to get snow on Christmas and seeing that it has been a very dry winter for us it was no surprise to any one but me that there was no snow this year on Christmas.
Christmas Eve was wonderful and not so much out of my family tradition. We went to the Christmas eve Candle light service and then came home, read Haddie the christmas story (the real one), put the babies to bed, and then wrapped presents, stuffed stockings, and put the presents under the tree.
The rest of the night was not so fun for me, I awoke in the middle of the night sick and moved into the living room to finish the night in hopes not to wake Paul or get him sick too. Plane didn't work... he did't awake, but he did get sick.
Christmas Morning was fun in spite of Paul and I feeling sicky, but as a parent you have to push past the sickness most of the time.
Haddie was a pro at unwrapping gifts. Which made it so much fun. At her birthday, she would still needed help and then was too involved with the one gift, she didn't want to open any more. But not this time, she loved the unwrapping so much she cared less about the gift, that is unless it was one of her favorite characters, then it would distract her just enough to let Eden or one of us start opening our gifts. However, Haddie then would hear the sound of ripping paper and would jump in to help. She helped open almost all, that is all, but Paul's. He wouldn't let her help him.
Before we opened all the presents, we skyped Paul's mom and Dad so that they could see the girls open the gifts from them. Which is so neat. I love skype... it really can feel like they are right in our living room. They loved watching the girls and Haddie, as always, loved being the center of attention. (she is so my daughter)
We then skyped my parents and got to talk with them on Christmas.
After all the presents were out and wrapping paper was every where, as well as our stocking stuffers, we finally could relax in the mess and be sick... oh wait no, now we have two little girls fussing to eat and to open the boxes of toys (okay really only one little girl, Eden was content enough to go down for a nap).
We were suppose to go have lunch at a friends from church, but we were in NO mode to eat. So we called to postpone until dinner. Once it came time for dinner I was feeling better, but Paul was feeling worse. We would have called to cancel, but we had the ham, green bean casserole, and the deviled eggs. So we really had no choice. Paul was a trooper and did great, just didn't eat much. It was fun evening despite us not feeling well. It is always good to be with family, even if the family is not related through blood. Church family can be just as good. It is something I LOVE about the church. It makes me so thankful for our church here in Canon and very sad for those who are not apart of a church family. How do people who live away from family survive with out the support of a church family?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Don't blink or you'll miss it

Sitting on the couch reading Anne of Avonlea I lift my head to see my youngest sitting in her bombo reaching for a toy. She looks up curiously searching for a way to get to her toy that is fallen too far from her reaches. I laughed at her alertness. The look she gave brought me pure joy. My laugh continued as she searched around the room for what was making my sound. Finally her eyes found the object of her search. She looked at me with very courious eyes before a smile was spread wide across her face. No laugh come from that baby, only a big smile that took over her whole body causing her to fling back. This only made me laugh all the more.
Was it not last week that she would sit in her swing not caring what was around her. Was it not yesterday that she would lay on her back hardly able to move. Boy, it sure seems so. She will be six months on Tuesday. The beginnings of my favorite stage has begun. She has become a very curious one in the resent days. Grabbing everything that is in her reach and tasting all that she can put in her mouth.
I love how she can recognize me and is allows willing to give me a smile. I am only slightly jealous that Haddie is the only one who has got Eden to laugh a real laugh. But I sure do love how much Eden watches Haddie with such adoring eyes. She is the tiniest thing weighing in at 13.5 lbs, but a cutie none the less.
Haddie is such a great big sis. Most of the time she ignores Eden, but all the other times she is very helpful and sweet. She asks me "where's baby" if she is not around. Comes and tells me baby is crying, and will say "hush eddee, it okay." Haddie gives her many kisses and hugs, which Eden adores. She also will try and give Eden her passy if it is around. Most recently I asked Haddie give a toy to Eden, She did and waited very patiently for Eden to grab it.
I am enjoying my sweet babies, but I am making sure not to blink for I will soon miss this time.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Goodbye Sickness!! And stay out!

So this week has been C.R.A.Z.Y! It all started when my sweet, energetic, little toddler woke up from her nap sick on Halloween, she then passed it on to Paul and I.
Monday, we decided for Haddie's sake we should stay in and keep they day low-key since haddie was sick the day before. We layed around the house watching movies most the day after cleaning the living room and kitchen. I then decided to make a quick Walmart run, because I can't just lay around the house all day or I go crazy and need to get out and about. In going to walmart I decided to pick up some more Clorox wips, knowing we were almost out (and I use those for most Everything), as well as some Lysol spray. As I was checking out at walmart I all of a sudden I started feeling nauseous. "Oh dear," I thought, " I sure hope I am not getting what haddie had!" I got home to Paul having cooked dinner, but Oh, it did NOT sound good.
I took it easy and went to bed early. Paul decided he would stay in the living room for the night so that he wouldn't get sick too.
Well, at around 9:30 it all began. YUCK! It lasted until around 4:30-5:00 that morning. What a miserable night! I couldn't even sleep I felt so bad. "Poor Haddie," I thought, "she just got over this!" Feeling a little better I finally fell asleep, but only to be awoken by a fussy baby. Paul had said he was going to take care of Eden and Haddie if they woke up in the night. But just then I heard Paul run to the bathroom. "OH no, Paul caught it too!"
The joys of motherhood and the sacrifices we make. Paul is sick and at the worse part, I am going to have to scoop myself out of bed and take care of our darling children.
Luckly, Eden fell back to sleep until 8, at that time both my sweet little girls where up and ready to go.
It was the longest day EVER! Haddie had like 5 poopies that stank sooo bad. Eden joined the band wagon with 3 poopies, but one toped them all. Somehow, her diaper was only half way covering her tiny rear end and she pooed ALL OVER ME! This was all while I was feeding her, so I forgot to burp her, causing her to soon later spit up all down her outfit. After washing all the sheets and Lysoling or Cloroxing everything, and sometimes even both, Paul and I went to bed feeling much better and glad this was behind us.
However, Wednesday morning Haddie started crying, I went in to find that Haddie had thrown up AGAIN.
Luckily It was just that once. You could tell she felt miserable the whole day. All she did was lay on her daddy because he too didn't feel good, and they watched Nemo together (her new favorite movie). But another day has come and the windows are open and the fresh air was let in! We all feel better again. Goodbye sickness! Please don't come again, and stay out!
The one thing I am very thankful for in all this is that Eden never caught the bug, and I pray she wont for a LOOOOONG time!

Monday, November 1, 2010


I was really looking forward to taking Haddie Trick-or-treating. She was to be the cutest Cookie Monster in Colorado. However things went a little differently then I expected them to go.
Everything was going great. We went to church and then went to eat at a friends with their family. Haddie had a blast playing with her friend Eli. When then brought the girls home to take a nap so they could be ready to go trick-or-treat once they awoke. We had plans to take the girls to a friends to show them off all dress up, then we where going to trick-or-treat with one of Haddie's friends Isaiah. BUT Haddie awoke early from her nap,
Paul went in to find that she had been sick. Paul got her up and she got sick again. YUCK!
Into the bath tube to she went. But I was persistent, we were going to go out for Halloween. I had been looking forward to this for weeks now. Babies get sick all the time, but then are just fine afterwards. This will pass and we will have fun tonight. NOPE, to my dismay, she ended up getting sick every 20 min. After watching "How to train a dragon" and having to pause every 20 min for my little one to be sick. I knew there would be no Halloween at this house tonight.
Oh well, I thought, we can just hand out the awesome full size candy bars we got for the trick-or-treaters that would stop by our house. Again, I was disappointed. We had only 4 trick-or-treaters!! now we are stuck with 26 FULL SIZE candy bars!
Even though we didn't get to dress up the girls last night. I dressed them up today to take pictures. We also pretended she went Trick-or-treating just for picture sake.
The Good news is that at about 8:30 last night my bouncy, talkative little girl was just about back to her normal self after being a little lethargic snuggle bug for several hours. So we fed her a few crackers, gave her some pedialight and kept her up a little longer, before sending her to bed. We awoke this morning a little more chipper then last night and with no accidents!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

October blast

I love fall,it is so beautiful. It has to be my all time favorite season. I love the colors, the smells,and the foods. This season makes me giddy. For some reason it also makes me travel down memory lane. Not sure why, maybe it is because some of my fondest memories happen during the fall. I also added a few more memories that I will most likely re visit in years to come.
We took the girls to a pumpkin patch for the first time this year. They had a corn maze, which was probably more fun for Paul and I then it was for the girls. After the maze we went to go pick out our pumpkins. Haddie, right off the bat, found a pumpkin her size, which made a becoming grumpy baby very happy. But the little pumpkin soon lost favor when Daddy put a HUGE pumpkin in the wagon. The look of awe was all over my sweet daughters face as she sat next to (at least in Haddie's mind) The Great Pumpkin and The little pumpkin was tossed aside.
We returned with 2 big pumpkins, pumpkin bread, and a pumpkin shaped surgar cookie. It was a successful day.
A few nights later we decided to carve these great pumpkins. What a great lesson for a 1 1/2 year old. Haddie wasn't sure what to think of all the gutting, but soon she dove right in and helped pick out the seeds from the gunky mess, so we could roast them later.
After our master pieces where created, we set them outside for all to see. Haddie was very interested in them and loved looking and talking to the pumpkins. This is until daddy made a noise that scared haddie and since then has not cared to talk to the pumpkins, silly daddy.
Oh, how I love Fall!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hadassah is 18 mo and Eden is 3 Mo

I can't believe that Hadassah is a year and half. These 6 mo just flew by. I forget that it has been so long since her year birthday, I didn't even think she changed all that much until I looked a some pictures. Wow, she has changed. She is growing into such a beautiful little girl.She is now taking her naps in her big girl bed, and is doing so well. She may not sleep much during her naps but she stays in her bed (almost always). The last time I caught her with a toy in her bed (she had to get out of bed to get it), I walked in and she immediately held up the toy to
me and began to cry. She new she was in the wrong,
I think that is when it is the hardest to do correction. But I knew I must be consistent. I haven't caught her again. Tonight we will put her to bed for the night in her big girl bed. We transferred her last night after she fell asleep (suggested by a friend) But that didn't go over so well. She awoke frightened not realizing where she was. But we will try again tonight.
Haddie continues to talk soo well. Adding so many words to her vocabulary. Not sure when she added these, but some of the new words are "shoe", but she says it "eosh" I love it. She also says "I do," "Help," "yumm," and "here you go." Plus so many more. No matter if she can say the word or not, she still talks anyway, making up her own language.
Eden is Three months and has been more aware of her surroundings. We have got to know her even more this last month. We are starting to understand her quirky personality. She is most diffidently happy for an hour after her feeding, after that you better be home and put her in her bed, or be prepared to hold her because she will fuss. She doesn't like to eat when she is tired, so if you have been out and about she will not eat and will scream if she has not slept well. But as long as you let her sleep at least 30min-1 hr in her crib, she will be good and ready to eat, with a few fusses thrown in. She has become quit aware of her big sister and LOVES to watch her.
Haddie has been such a great big sister, she loves to put shoes on Eden and rock her when she is in her swing. She most recently loves to hold her little sister, and Eden enjoys it too.
Eden will coe when you sing to her and give you big smiles in the morning and after her last feeding. You can sometimes get a smile or two after her feedings during the day, but I can always count on my morning smile!
It is fun seeing how different my girls are. Giving us many chances to try new things as we learn to parent them.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

God's blessing he sent me at Walmart

Yesterday I went to Walmart for very great sales on their children summer wear. Most everything was $1, $2, and $3 dollars. So, I went to go and get items for next summer. Eden was sleeping in her car seat and Haddie was in the basket of the shopping cart. I went to quickly look at the picture frames, telling Haddie several times on the way to sit down in the cart. On my way Eden wakes up and starts crying, so I pick her up and was holding her when I turned my back to the cart to look at picture frames. I suddenly heard a scream followed by server crying. I quickly turned to see Haddie had fallen out of the cart. I swiftly place eden in the basket of the cart, which causes her to start screaming. I grab Haddie and hold her to console her. At the moment I had a screaming baby in the basket and a crying little girl in my arms. I put Haddie down for just a moment to move Eden from the basket to her carrier. This didn't help any of the situation. I am standing in the aisle at walmart at a lose of what to do, (all this happened under a minute) when a lady came over and said she saw what happened and asked if she could hold the baby while I console Haddie. "Yes, please, she likes to be high on the shoulder!" I was quick to reply. We stood in the aisle talking of how she has new twin grandbabies. They are 2 months old and she is missing them. They are far away in Illionios, so she can't just go for a quick visit. She helped me put Eden into her seat and I went to the cash register. Her name was Karen, and God's blessing he sent me to take care of me. Still holding Haddie, Eden starts crying again. Sure enough Karen was there and asked to hold Eden again and if she could help me to my car.
Thank you Lord for taking care of me and the girls at Walmart!
Haddie is fine with just a small goose egg on her head. Eden is also fine, this is a normal thing for her to cry when we are out. I usually have her in a snuggli, but for some reason I chose not to put her in it. Will Never do that again! Haddie will not get to be in the basket, she will now have to stay in the seat of the cart and Eden in the snuggli at my chest!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Haddie, my character

Haddie makes me laugh everyday. She is constantly doing funny little things. She is my smile maker. When I am having a frustrating day, I can always count on her to do something that will make me forget, for at least a moment or two, and make me laugh. Even when I may be frustrated with her, she can still get me to laugh, even though I may have to run to the other room first.
Here Haddie has stuck her leg in a cushioned stackable toy and walked around all morning with it around her ankle. She didn't take it off until her nap time. Once she was up, she went straight to it and put it back on. I think it was because I laughed at her. If I laugh she will do that same thing over and over again. What a character!
the above picture was from today, she was watching Backyardagins while I was doing laundry. She grabbed on of her outfits and I assume she was trying to put it on, but when I looked up this is all i saw. Her outfit on her head. I could hardly stop laughing to get the camera.
This above picture is from Monday. We had bought Eden a bumbo, but Haddie was sure we got it for her. She is again watching backyardagians and sipping milk threw a straw I got on Sunday. All day she wanted nothing else but to drink out of her new straw. She had to have 8 glass of either water or milk.
A few weeks ago she was trying to get into my old Barbie car (which my mom got for me for Christmas my 16th year. She was being funny, because I wanted a VW bug in red. Isn't she sweet). Haddie is now enjoying the car. However, she doesn't get the idea that SHE doesn't fit into it. She tries to get into the car, and each time gets so frusterated because she doesn't fit. We have tried to show her that small toys can go into the car, but no matter what she still wants to be the one inside, not the toy.
There is always something new each day that she does to make me smile. I am so thankful for this little character of mine.

Haddie watches Bobo, the bear, take a bath

One day, I go into Haddie's room to get her up from her nap. I go in to see her holding her diaper... and her bed was all wet, including her best bear friend, Bobo.
Her whole bed and bear needed a wash.
I put her items into the washer, when Paul heard her pointing and saying "Bobo, Bobo!" We go into the kitchen to find Haddie looking into the washer, she saw Bobo, spinning in the washing machine. So I had to grab the camera and get this on video. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Joining a Gym

So i briefly mention to Paul about joining a gym and how Carrie Rice (a friend of mine, and the pastor's wife) asked me to join her one day when she went.
Oops, since then Paul constantly brings it up that we should join a gym.
I should be excited that my husband want us to join a gym, but my concern is that we will join and like most everyone else, pay our monthly dues and go maybe 2 time a month.
Maybe not at first. We might go two or three times a week for the first few weeks, and then once a week soon after, quickly followed by once every other week. Paul assures me that this will not be true.
But in spite of my concerns, I do have the desire to get in shape as well as have an hour with out the kids to swim. All this makes it sounds enticing.
So we will probably be joining a gym at the beginning of this next month. Wish us luck as we make a year commitment to exercise.
In our efforts to inspire us on we are also joining a Biggest loser contest between some friends. So Paul and I have a goal of weight we want to lose and the one who gets the closest to their goal weight wins.
Let the weight begin to drop and the smaller pants begin to fit.

Monday, August 23, 2010


So yesterday Paul and I went to our first Kickball game. We joined the Church's team for the Co-Ed Kickball league in Canon City. The first competitive team I've been on since high school. I have only played Volleyball a few times since then, I am not a really competitive person.
We had to go to WalMart and get a navy shirt, white shorts and Navy socks. Paul also had his aviators and a white sweat band on his head and arm, yes he looked too much like a character from dodge ball. (pics will hopefully be posted next week, I be sure to take a pic of us in our uniform)
We went to practice at 1 and Paul caught many high balls, while I missed everyone, but in my defense I was chasing a 1 1/2 year old most of the time.
The game was at 6, we get there and find we are playing a team with several players that go to our church.
Carrie Rice and I switched 2nd base every ending and we saw a lot of action at that position. I surprised myself with catching 2 outs and almost throwing one too. (just bearly missed him)
I also had two really good kicks, but I am a slow runner. (I haven't even ran since before I was pregnant with Haddie). They got me out by throwing it to first.
Paul was in outfield and played really well.
Paul was also surprised by my playing abilities too, he kept bragging about my to catches. I felt like quite the kickball player, especially for my first time.
Although we lost 7 to 3, we had a really great time. It was really fun to play and laugh with those from the church outside of church. Also it is good for Paul and I to be active, hopefully this will inspire us to be even more so.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

struggling through it

This last week has been a hard one with Eden.
She had been doing really great with her schedule, which makes her a happy baby. I was really thrilled that she sleeps 7-10 hours at night, and takes at least a hour and half nap after an hour awake time 5 times a day. She likes her sleep and is a happy girl when mommy keeps her home and on her schedule. Which is a great change from a few weeks prior when she fussed a lot!
However, this week came a new challenge with Eden. I noticed a drop in my milk supply and Eden did too. She started to fuss each time I tried to feed her. One day she completely refused to nurse. Which really stressed me out and made me really upset. Every time it came time to feed I would take her to nurse and she would start SCREAMING and refused to nurse. I called the Lactation consultant, who didn't call back at all that day. So I did what I knew to do and gave her some stored milk or formula. Which I hated to do.
I was very stressed, which from what I hear doesn't help your milk supply.
That night I got on the internet and did A LOT of research. In my research I found that Fenugreek can increase you milk. So the next day I went and bought some. I also started pumping at least 5 min after each time I'd nurse or 15-20 min if Eden refused to nurse.
She did a lot better the next day, and only refused one side. But my milk supply was still low, when I'd pump I would not get anymore milk.
Finally 2 days later the Lactation consultant finally called me back (after I called her each day and twice that day). She suggested to do what I'd been doing and to take even more Fenugreek. That if I didn't smell like maple syrup I wasn't taking enough.
So currently, 5 days later I am now taking 4 capsulas of fenugreek 3 times daily (asking paul if I smell like maple syrup), drinking 4 cups of Mother's Milk tea (thanks to a great Friend, Carley) and pumping after each feeding. I have noticed an increase in my milk and Eden is back to being a happy girl, with few frustrating moments of persuading her to nurse.
This was a big scare for me because at 5 months of nursing Haddie I began to lose my milk and Haddie was off nursing by 5 1/2 months. Eden is only 2 1/2 months monday. I was afraid I'd have to stop and I wanted to nurse a lot longer then I could with Haddie.
Thankfully this is working, so far. I hope it continues to and gets back to normal.
My encouragement to nursing mothers who have struggled through it or may in the future. Keep trying, their are cheap and simple solutions to help you through it, try not to give up right away. But also remember that you are not a bad mom if you have to stop and give them formula. It is always better that they get fed, and most babies don't really care where it comes from.

Helpful hints I've learned to help with nursing
* Fenugreek (a seasoning used, such as in curry) - proven to help increase milk supply the best
* Milk Thistle (an herb of some sort) - also helps increase milk supply, but you have to continue to take it, and best to take with fenugreek or fennel.
* Mother's milk tea (infused with fenugreek, fennel, milk thistle, Red Raspberry leaf tea, and chamomile)
* fennel (another herb) - helps with milk letdown
* Red Raspberry leaf tea - helps with milk supply
* Pumping (a lot) - helps increase milk supply
* Lots of Water - keeps you hydrated
* Oatmeal
* Root beer (caffeine free)

Not really sure if Oatmeal or root beer work, but it's worth the try and they taste good. Also Root beer is a nice break from water and tea!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

the bedroom shuffle

So we decided to shuffle the bed rooms around. The master bed room with a half bath is the smallest bedroom and we had been using it as a guest bedroom. Paul and I had been using the biggest bedroom as our master and the other middle sized room for Haddie. Until now.
.... Well, because we want Haddie and Eden to share a room we decide to give them the biggest room. Also because we would like to use the Half bath now that it is fixed, we decided to move into the smallest bedroom. But not without making it our own first by a good paint job. I love it and am excited. Even though it is smaller it fits everything we need and NO more. which is perfect.

(still have the decor to put up on the walls)
The rest of this week we will be moving Haddie and Eden's things over to the larger bedroom. Although eden will not be sleeping in the big room for at least another month. It will be ready for when she is sleeping through the night!!
We'll be making the middle room an office/guest room. It will be nice to have a place to do projects like bows and such. All will be portable so it can easily turn to a guest room.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Eden is 2 mo and Hadassah is 17 mo

What a cute little girl she is becoming!! She is understands so much, it surprises me how much. If she is getting into things she's not suppose to, i can say "Haddie, go play with YOUR toys! And she will (well, some of the time)! We can also hand her something and say "take this to Daddy." and she will (again, some of the time, that is as long as she
doesn't think its something she wants to play with).
The funny thing lately has been, if she does something, and you laugh, she will do it over and over again hoping for the same reaction.
She loves to feed her self and also feed us. She is wanting to sit in the "big girl" high chair lately. she is so much fun, and growing so fast.
We have started her training to a big girl bed today. She has taken her morning nap there. She did well getting out only 4 times, then understanding that she must stay in her bed, she would stand, play, and bounce IN her bed. She didn't do much sleeping for the first nap. For the second nap we laid her down, and she didn't
get out not once! such a good girl! She also only played for a short while before being so exhausted from not having much of a morning nap she fell asleep. She is sleeping peacefully now while I type.
I can't believe she already old enough to go to a toddler bed, it doesn't seem possible. But we are needing her to be able to fully sleep in her toddler bed by 18 mo so that when Eden sleeps through the night we can move her into the crib.
My how time flies, I am trying to cherish every moment. This stage that Haddie is in is SOO much fun. She is such a character and loves to perform. I think she will be a sanguine, like her mommy!

She is 2 mo today. It is wired, because it seems like she should be older, yet at the same time I can't believe she is already 2 mo.
She is a great baby, and although she may look like Hadassah, she is very different from her sister (as she should be). Eden loves her schedule, she eats and stays awake for an hour as happy as can be, but as soon as that hour is up, out comes the fuss. This lets me know she is ready for her 2 hour nap.
Eden is more reliant of her schedule then Haddie was. Where Haddie could sleep anywhere and could be off and on her schedule with NO problem. Eden hates to be off her schedule and we Just got her on one a month ago. If we are out and about and its her nap time, oh baby, she is not happy. She wants to be held or be in her own bed, if not she is very fussy.
Although, that means I have a fussy baby if I want to go anywhere, unless I am holding her, she is a happy baby at night.
Eden sleeps very well. She feeds at 8 and we put her down for the night, waking again at 4. Yes, that is 8 hours. She then goes right back to sleep after eating and waits until 8 to eat again. I have had great sleepers, Haddie was even better and was sleeping 12 hours at 3 mo. We shall see how Eden does in a month.
I can always count on a smile or 3 with some cooing after her 8 am feeding. She has such a pretty smile, and smiles with her whole face.
Eden also loves watching her sister. Haddie will sit by her and chat to her and Eden will just stare at her big sissy with such amusement. I love it!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

a fun project

Things have been crazy around her. Between dr. appointments and grocery shopping, I have had somewhere to be at every day. I am tired and ready for a break, to bad I don’t see one in the near future.

One of the things I have been busy doing is making a new cover for Eden’s car seat. I have had a friend help cut out a pattern and she taught me how to sew it together. She even let me take home her sewing machine.

It has been an adventure in learning how to do this, but it has been fun. I must say I am very proud of my work.

Paul asked me if this is something I would want to do more of. I am not sure, because it was hard to find the time in order to finish it. With two little ones demanding your attention, it makes it hard. I would have to have my own space that can be blocked off in order to be able to do more projects, because Haddie get very curious and want to touch EVERYTHING.

But here is Eden’s NEW car seat. However, I still have the visor to finish, it should be done tomorrow.

Monday, July 26, 2010

What my daughter did today.

Paul was watching cartoons with Haddie while I was feeding Eden. Haddie came to me and pointed toward her room and said "Bobo, please!" (signed Please) so Paul went and got her bear, Bobo out of her crib. A little while later while watched Elmo, she asked for her passy. These are two things she typically has for when she goes to sleep. So I asked her, "are you ready for night night?" She replied "night, night" and began walking her way to her room. She was ready for her nap. That's right, my daughter asked to take her nap... It was 10:30 this morning, just 30 min past the normal time I put her down for a nap! I am either the best mom, who has her well trained, or i just have the best daughter.... maybe a mixture of both ;)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Back into the swing of things

We are getting back into the swing of things. It has been the longest vaction I have ever had. I would say that my vacation started the day Eden was born and ended Exactly 6 weeks later. My parents came in for a week and half to help me with the two kids and the house. I hardly had to lift a finger, My parents worked hard to help me with cooking, cleaning, and yard work. The next week Paul got to work from home so he could help me. Then the next week Paul's parents came up and we explored colorado and I also was treated to Paula's cooking and cleaning! I went back to Muskogee with them and stayed two weeks while Paul was at CIY. He joined us Thursday night so that he could perform a wedding for a couple from our last Youth Group in Vinita. While I was there I didn't do much cleaning or cooking. Haddie was intertained by grandparents the whole time during these 6 weeks. I have enjoyed the time with family and friends. Especially because I was getting lonely and missing everyone. But I am thankful to be back and home and to get back into the swing of things.
I am putting Eden on a schedule for the first time in her little life. Which is going fairly well. I am quickly finding out that it is harder to get Eden on a schedule, then with Haddie. Wake time I think is the challenge for me. When Haddie was that age, she was my only child and I could give her the attention she needed to keep her awake. With Eden its a challenge to keep her up because of Haddie, who demands my attention. So she typically falls asleep before wake time is over, and then wakes up during nap time. But we are working on it.
Haddie did great and fell right back into schedule the FIRST 2 days back. We struggled with naps yesterday and today. So I think she was only teasing me and making me think this will be easy. WRONG!

Monday, July 12, 2010

What a day!

It started with lunch at Harmony house, a special little place in Muskogee. It is a tea house that is very yummy. They have a special on Mondays that is my all time favorite, Swiss Chicken and Tomato Bisque soup! Oh, my mouth is salivating even now just thinking about it. It is SOO good. The best thing about getting the special is that it comes with dessert! Beth, one of the co-owners went to culinary school in New York and can make some really good baked goods. If you are ever in the Muskogee area I would STRONGLY suggest going to Harmony house for lunch. You can be sure to have good food and great service!

Piper and Miley were not so sure about going to a tea house, but they were sold once they got there and they gave them their own little tea pots and tea cups, they really enjoyed getting to pour themselves tea and drink it like little ladies.

After the lunch we got ready for the Baby party. We had a party to honor the new babies in our family. We have Eden who is 5 weeks old today, Eli, who is my cousin’s little boy, who is 7 weeks old, Alexa,, My Niece, who is 6 months old, and Micah, my very good friends little boy, who is 5 mo old. It was a fun little party with punch, cookies, and cooing babies.

I think everyone had a laugh when most the mothers pulled out their nursing blankets and we all nursed our babies together.

After The baby party Aunt Jane and Uncle Jonny, along with Chris and Caitlin (my cousin and her husband) stayed for dinner, as well as Haley and Alexa. We enjoyed visiting with them.

Haddie was very much enamored with her cousins, Miley and Piper, and followed them EVERYWHERE! She loved chasing them and being chased by them. Piper and Miley did so great with Haddie and was SO patient with her. Haddie is struggling with sharing, but Miley would be so sweet and let Haddie have what she grabbed. However, I used these moments, when I caught Haddie, to teach her to share. Haddie did not like it when I did this.

Eden was enjoying all the attention too! She loves being held and I don’t think she was ever put down once the whole night. Between Aunt Tara, my Aunt Jane, and Nana, Eden always had arms to be in.

It was a great dat, but I am tired so it is time to say GOODNIGHT!

(more pics to come soon!)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Family Time

One thing I was looking forward to in coming home was getting to spend time with Family. We went to Supaulpa on Wednesday to see my Grandma, cousins, Aunt and Uncle, and Sister and her family.
It was a lot of fun. We ate yummy hamburgers and lots of Watermelon. The girls got to enjoy each other out side. They chased frogs and swang on the swing set. Haddie was very fasinated with her cousins Piper and Miley and followed them around everywhere. Piper and Miley were great with her and played so well together. It was fun to see them interact.
We were so thankful that it didn't rain. Grammy said she prayed that it wouldn't rain. From what we heard it rained all day in Muskogee. But in Sapulpa it was clear blue skies.
Everyone got to enjoy meeting Eden and had a chance to hold her. She was a sweet baby and slept most of the time. Only opening her eyes every once in a while so that everyone could see her deep blue eyes.
Grammy, or Gwee as the Great-Grand girls call her, really enjoyed it. She had all her grand girls except for Roxanne and all her great-grand girls there with her that day. She is very blessed with 2 daughters, 5 granddaughters, and now 4 great-granddaughters. No sons except through marriage. We couldn't miss out on taking a picture of Gwee with all her grand girls. Piper (age 6), Miley (3), Hadassah (1), and Eden (1 month).

Grammy has a picture of all her grand girls and Great-grand girls on this donkey. We all were about Haddie's age when we took the picture. I was glad not to miss out on getting one with Haddie and Grammy. (I will have to find the pic of me and Grammy in the same pose and load it before I leave Muskogee.)
Haddie was a hoot as usual. She walked around just a jabbering and making others smile. But She also has an ornery side.
Grammy had a piano that was just Haddie's size. Haddie Really enjoyed playing on it. SO much so that when others tried to play it she would push them away and say "No, no, no!". She even pulled poor Piper's hair. It was a great training moment to teach her how to SHARE!

Cousin Racheal was excited to meet Eden and held her most the night. We don't get to see them very often, it was so very good to see her and her husband Seth.

A visit to Nonnie’s and Papa’s at the lake

We went to visit Paul’s Grandma and Grandpa, Nonnie and Papa out at their camp site which is on lake Tenkiller. We enjoyed hamburgers and then took their boat out.

After awhile of uncertainty as to if the boat would start, we enjoyed a good boat ride. Haddie loved it besides having to wear a life jacket and not getting to walk around. But as long as she was distracted by the waves of the lake she had no problem.

(more pics to come)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

First Swim of the Summer

We went to a friends to swim. This was Haddie’s first time this summer. Seeing as she doen’t remember last summer, we could say it was her first. She was very unsure of the pool. It could be because it was so cold. But she did well.

It took a while for her to warm up to it, but I bet by the end of the two weeks that we are here in Oklahoma, she will love it!

4th of July 2010

Sunday Morning we went to church at Boulevard Christian Church in Muskogee, Ok. This is the Church I have grown up in and where my Dad has ministered at for the past 20 + years.

After church we went to the Roberson’s house for lunch were we enjoyed the company of Family all joined by marriage because their children.

That night we celebrated America’s Independence Day at Paula and Greg’s with family and friends, food and fireworks.

Haddie did very well with the fireworks. She enjoyed watching her cousins throw down poppers. She also enjoyed stopping on the ones that didn’t get popped.

Eden spent most of the evening sleeping on Papa’s shoulder or in the arms of others.

Josh and Andrea joined us too, which was soo great to see them and their beautiful kids. We use to live next to them in Joplin, and they are very dear to Paul and I. I was so very surprised that after 6 months, Madison, their oldest, who is only 28 mo old, remembered us and Haddie. She is so sweet and her and haddie had a fun time running around together.

The only thing that would have been better is if Paul could have been there with us to celebrate!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Week with Granny and Grandpa

We enjoyed having Paula and Greg in Colorado for a week. Paul and I went over to Denver to pick them up and on our way we stopped at the Outlets at Castle Rock. It was our first outing with all four of us. Eden ended up spitting up her whole lunch all over her little outfit that matched Big sister’s. I had to go to the bathroom and change her, I also washed out the outfit and dryed it under the hand blow driers so that she could be wearing her matching out fit when she meets Granny and Grandpa for the first time. (I know crazy right, but the little things matter to me.)

Once we got to the airport and picked them up we went down town to the 16th st Mall in Denver. There we walked around and ate.

Poor Greg he got sick on the flight and then continued not feeling well all week with Altitude sickness. For all those who don’t know what Altitude sickness is, it is when you body has a hard time adjusting to the change in altitude. Altitude sickness symptoms are: Light headed, nausea, trouble breathing, and head ache. He had all of them. We were drowning him with water.

It probably didn’t help that we took him to Breckenridge the second full day they were here. But it was a beautiful drive as we clime another 5,000 feet higher. The mountainous view is just breathtaking. Especially as we wind our way up to when the blue river begins, there you can see the whole range, the Great Divide! It really is beautiful and that’s when it hits me of how Magnificent God is and how lucky I am to live in this state.

I love living only 2 hours away from Breckenridge. It is such a cute town. Their down town is the typical Mountain old town, resembling the old west towns of the late 1800’s. If you have ever been to Eureka Springs, you would find Breckenridge familiar. However, Breckenridge is larger and better! They have more shops and restaurants, also a ski resort! During the summer the resort is still open for hiking, biking, Alpine slide, and putt-putt!

The adventure I faced in Breckenridge was right before we started our way back home. I was feeding Eden while the rest of the crew (besides Haddie who was asleep) went to get chocolate from the Rockie Mountain Chocolate Factory. When I was done I began changing little Eden’s diaper on my lap when I quickly found that she was not done doing her business. She continued to poo and poo as it over flowed on to my lap. I struggle to get another diaper causing Eden to cry, which in turn awoke haddie who also began to cry. In my process of getting the other diaper under Eden, she pee’s on me. So I am all alone in a car with two screaming babies, poop all in my lap and pee all down my shirt. You can imagine my joy when I was finally rescued by my husband, who bought me a chocolate cupcake!

The rest of the week we stayed at just above a mile high in Canon City, in hopes that Greg would adjust to the altitude.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

It is amazing how similar my babies look to each other.
I am going to have a hard time telling them who is who when they grow up.
Eden at 2 weeks old.

Haddie in the same outfit a little younger at exactly one week old.