Monday, November 5, 2012

almost a year ago

I am horrible at this. It has nearly been a year since I have last updated this. I kept meaning to come on here and write, but I would forget or something, obviously.
A lot has happened in this short year. I hope your ready for a dump of updates today.

We tried and succeeded in becoming pregnant with a boy! He was born the 8th of October. I now have   a 3.5 year old, 2 year old and a 4 wk old. Life sure has gotten more exciting for me. Its funny I didn't realize that the adjustment from 2 to 3 children was going to be so difficult, at least for me. I don't remember it being such a struggle from 1 to 2 children. It is the most overwhelming when I try and go grocery shopping with all three. I can't have one in the basket while the other is walking. I now have two walking and so it is too crazy trying to keep two children by you with out picking up or getting into the merchandise, or without yelling while running around the basket, or worse someone else's basket. I have not succeeded yet, instead I just left and went home. This will get better I hope.

Other things that have happened. Jamie, my sister moved up to Norton, Ks. She moved up her to be the secretary at the church and to help with the children department. It has been fun and very helpful having my sister around. It has been awhile that I have lived in a place with family. I think it has been a harder adjustment for her though. Norton, although a fantastic town with amazing people, is a very small town with little to no shopping. But I am sure thankful for her being here.

It has been a great year.

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